MMA-10G Control Systems
Orchestration & Management
Orchestration and management of the MMA-10G AV distribution system is provided through Evertz' award winning suite of software. MAGNUM SDVN control system provides the live interactive communications with the devices, VistaLINK PRO provides the critical health monitoring of the system and Evertz' range of control surfaces make the system simple to work with at any level of experience.
MAGNUM-AV - Orchestration and Management for Software Defined Video Networks (SDVN)
MAGNUM-AV is Evertz SDVN control system and performs orchestration over the MMA-10G system allowing for unprecedented scalability. MAGNUM-AV maps the entire MMA- 10G system and communicates with each element to provide the real time reliable control required in an AV distribution system. MAGNUM-AV is the unifying control point in the system where all control surfaces communicate with MAGNUM-AV to provide routing and system control.

VUE-CUBE-G3 - Modern, touch friendly, fully customizable control surface
VUE is available in a compact "cube" footprint and provides powerful control over the entire eco system. VUE's customizable work surface is based on a widget approach and does not require any scripting to build a totally unique control environment. The VUE-CUBE-G3 is a self contained hardware platform which accepts a single JPEG2000 or two H.264 over IP streaming inputs.